Why Ciempiés?

"Ciempiés" is "centipede" in Spanish.
A centipede was happy – quite!
Until a toad in fun
Said, "Pray, which leg moves after which?"
This raised her doubts to such a pitch,
She fell exhausted in the ditch
Not knowing how to run.
"The Centipede's Dilemma," poem attributed to Katherine Craster (1841–1874).

This short children poem has lent its name to a psychological effect called "centipede's effect or syndrome," or "hyper reflection law." It was discovered by psychologist George Humphrey (1889–1966) in 1923. That's why it's also known as "Humphrey's law."

So, what's the centipede's syndrome? You can sum it up in just one word—overthinking. This effect occurs when a typically automatic or unconscious activity is disrupted by a conscious thought of it. For instance, when you try to explain how to do something (like tying your tie) you usually perform without thinking.

When we write, translate, interpret or carry out any sort of creative activity, overanalyzing and questioning your every step—and the doubts and fears it brings about—may cause us a hard-to-overcome mental block.

Dream a Little Dream

According to dream symbology, a centipede means you worry too much, you overthink things (Rings any bells?). It's what most of us experience when we are trying to find a new path in life, when we are stuck in that job we don't like but don't know which steps to take towards change. What if I fail? What if I don't make enough money? What if in one year or two I'm back to that place I grew to hate?

Dreaming of a centipede means you need to stop worrying and get moving. Move forward, one step at a time, look at how far you've come, and let the road behind you free your mind from doubts about a future that is never real.

Discipline and Perseverance Can Make a Difference

At Ciempiés we believe practice makes perfection—or almost, because we also believe you never achieve perfection, and that's what keeps you going. We believe effort and repetition are crucial to success. Practicing harder and harder until the task becomes unconscious, until you are no longer aware of the effort it involves, is key—and not only in karate movies.

Talent is important as a stepping stone, but discipline and perseverance will get you flying towards your goals.

Getting Infected with Creativity

"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." This apocryphal quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, but there is no real evidence of him having said that. However, we still like the concept. After all, what's a workshop if not an opportunity to get infected by other people's creativity and to pass on our own?

At Ciempiés we firmly believe collaborating and exchanging ideas enrich us, inspire us, instil us with energy, invite us to play and have fun. And ultimately that's the key to success as we conceive it: recovering laughter and joy, regaining playfulness, reclaiming our right to enjoyment, celebrating every step we take.

Ciempiés workshops offer you all that. Come join us. Set your creativity in motion.

De izquierda a derecha, Javier Rey, Maui Barone, Erika Cosenza y Wenceslao Zuloaga, cofundadores de Ciempiés. Sentados sobre una pared baja de cemento y ladrillos. De fondo, desenfocado, se puede distinguir el tronco de un árbol y varias paredes de ladrillos rotos y añejados vestidas con redes contenedoras de color verde. Javier Rey, de tez blanca, cabello ondulado oscura y barba incipiente, mira de perfil a Maui Barone mientras sonríe. Viste una chaqueta de pana de color marrón oscuro, una camisa azul claro, unos pantalones vaqueros de jean y cruza su pierna izquierda sobre la derecha. Al lado, Maui Barone le devuelve la mirada sonriendo. Lleva el pelo castaño suelto y unas gafas azules. Viste una camisa diseñada con hojas de varios colores, verde, rosa, naranja. Tiene una minifalda de cuero y medias de nylon color negra. A su lado Erika Cosenza, mirando la secuencia de Javier Rey y Maui Barone, sonríe de perfil. Lleva el pelo suelto de color violeta y usa gafas. Viste un chal de color turquesa que le cubre el torso y los brazos. Tiene un pantalón negro. A su lado, Wenceslao Zuloaga, iluminado por un rayo de sol, sonríe. Viste un polo color azul, unos pantalones vaqueros de jean.

Meet the Team

Ciempiés is a cultural and editorial venture, born from the intersection of our desire to create, our passion for what we do, and our friendship. It was founded by Maui Barone, Erika Cosenza, Javier Rey, and Wenceslao Zuloaga. But of course—A centipede has more than just four legs! That's why we are supported by an amazing team of highly professional human beings.