Javier Rey

Primer plano de cintura para arriba y frente de Javier Rey, cofundador de Ciempiés sobre un fondo desenfocado de una pared de ladrillos añejada y grafiteada. Javier, de tez blanca, cabello oscuro ondulado y barba incipiente, mirá directo a cámara sonriendo. Viste una chaqueta de pana de color marrón oscuro y debajo una camiseta donde se puede ver la imagen de James Bond, el agente 007, vestido de traje negro y con un arma en la mano.

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I got my journalism degree. For over ten years I honored my trade working for news outlets in Argentina and Spain. I covered a variety of topics (politics, police blotters, film reviews, new tech, farming, and even paranormal phenomena!), both in print media and radio shows.

In the aftermath of the 2001 economic crisis, I migrated to Spain as a part of the "Corralito Generation", the third largest migration wave of Argentinians up to that moment. I continue working as tech journalist for a while. When all the doors were shut on the possibility to perform my job with dignity, I undertook a new career as a business rep.

As I didn't want to see a traitor on the mirror, I decided to keep on writing, and thus started my journey as an author. I have written six books and published three:

El guapo en su final (2010). Twenty short stories combining noir tales with the migrant status.   

La niña con las manos detrás de la espalda (2019). Ten stories in which childhood reaffirms as that land where everything and anything is possible: from superhero power to a face-off with Death.

Superclásico (2022). A soccer sci-fi novel.

To me, writing is a way of conjuring all the time I'll be dead in the future—when you write, you are alive. That "to me" is deceitful. I'm pretty sure I've stolen that notion from someone else. And that's alright, because writing is passing a torch that has been given to us.

On social media, you can follow me on Instagram.