Maui Barone

Maui Barone, cofundadora de Ciempiés. Está de tres cuartos de perfil con los brazos cruzados y sonríe. Tiene tez blanca, ojos marrones y el cabello largo, liso y de color castaño. Lleva una camiseta sin mangas a rayas blancas y azules.

Everybody calls me Maui, so I guess I could say that's my official name. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2017, hoping for a better future, I decided to move to Barcelona, where I still live.

Traveling and knowing new places had always been my passion, but then in 2020 the covid pandemic came along, and I re-connected with writing and published my first novel: Donde quiero estar.

I love sleeping, watching TV series and reading. I have two infalible tricks to unwind: reading and colororing, like when I was a child.

Having moved to another country lead me to create my first podcast: Migrando historias—heartfelt interviews with different people who, like myself, have taken this new path.

In 2022, I uprooted old habits and structures, radically changing my whole life. I quit my job as a travel agent. I embraced chaos and uncertainty while I explored what I wanted for my future. While I was working in a butcher's shop, I started pursuing a master's degree in book publishing and taking an InDesign course. I quit my job again, and during the internship I decided to nurture my new-born desire: freelancing and teaching creative writing courses.

Ciempiés brought joy to my heart. Here, I contribute to management, and social media, I design and I teach several workshops.

Today I can say I've found my place in the world, I've embraced my artistic side, I write and help others connect with their creative self. On social media, you can follow me on Instagram.