At Libros del Ciempiés we firmly believe boosting new careers is also a way of supporting diversity and inclusion.
Each author in our "Voces del Ciempiés" series has their unique voice, which is reflected by the stories they write and the aesthetic and literary resources they chose.
This series aims at becoming an echo chamber for a multiplicity of perspectives, styles and imaginaries more likely to be left out of more commercial publishing circles.
May the voices of Ciempiés, dear reader hungry for new pages, take you across other worlds. May they make you dream. May they move you. May they entertain you. May they don't leave you indifferent.
And—why not—may they inspire you to tell a story with your own voice.
Distribution: If you want to buy a book, please clic here. If you are a bookshop and are interested in our publications, contact our team.
Desde la ausencia surge como el broche de oro de un taller de escritura realizado en septiembre de 2024 en la librería Amora Libros, en el corazón del barrio de Gracia, Barcelona. Diez cuentos nacidos de cinco mentes inquietas, gestados entre la pasión y la duda, entre la urgencia de contar y la necesidad de encontrar las palabras justas.
Cada cuento deja una marca. Algunas duelen; otras solo confirman que la ausencia no siempre es vacío.